The actual target audience.
For DTS, translating promotional and advertising materials should be done with an in-depth understanding of the source material and the target audience and their culture, in order to produce optimum effect and impact.
Our linguistic expertise allows us to bring our clients’ advertisement to different cultures and international markets, and achieve the same emotional impact and results that the original material produced. To achieve the best possible results, we analyse the actual product or service, as well as the preferences and cultural and linguistic backgrounds of our client, and their intended audience or market.
Our company is backed by a team of highly qualified and experienced linguists specializing in various languages and subject matters. As such, only native speakers and field specialists get to work on each client’s source material and adapt it for their target local market.
Our project portfolio encompasses a diverse range of businesses, products, services, cultures, and successes.

The scope of our translation services for advertising
Newspaper Ads Translation
Press Releases Translation
Newsletters Translation
Advertising Copies Translation
Brochures and Leaflets Translation
Catalogues Translation
Banners Translation
Packaging Translation
Promotional Literature Translation
Direct Marketing Translation